2005 GOODGUYS Show Visits Del Mar

Recently the Del Mar fairgrounds played host to the fifth annual GOODGUYS Del Mar Rod & Custom Nationals. As good as last year’s show was, I think that this year’s was even better.
The GOODGUYS show was for rods, customs, classics, muscle cars and trucks through the 1972 model year. In addition to the automobiles on display, there were also commercial exhibits, a swap meet and a “Cars For Sale” corral.
Unlike the stars of a new car show, many of these stunning automobiles had major mechanical and cosmetic modifications, which transformed them far beyond what rolled out of their factories so long ago.
The people who show these cars and trucks are serious automotive enthusiasts. Yet as if the joy and satisfaction that comes from driving and showing their automobiles is not quite enough, the GOODGUYS hold huge product giveaways for registered participants at their National events across the country. Prizes include crate engines, four-post car lifts, MIG welders and wheels. Imagine the thrill of winning a Legends Custom Chopper or a brand new, 2006 Dodge Hemi Charger at the end of the year.

In addition to the automobiles on display, there were many commercial booths as well. Two in particular caught my attention. One featured the artwork of Bob McCoy. A former racecar driver, Bob draws from his obvious passion for automobiles to create custom automotive art, hand-carved sculptures and cartoon art out of his studio right here in San Diego County. In addition to the variety of pieces on display in his booth, he also does work on commission. You can see the some of his artwork at www.bobmccoyart.com or visit him at his next show. Look for him at the Los Angeles Roadster Show at the Pomona Fairgrounds on Father’s Day weekend.

Another commercial display featured small electric slot cars like the ones that I remember having so much fun racing as a child. Jim Cunningham sells these quite realistic scale model cars and home-sized track layouts at “Nomad Slot Racing” in Vista, where he also maintains a raceway – and restores bicycles! I plan on heading up there, renting a car and enjoying a few races. For more information, including directions to his store, you can visit Jim on the Web at www.NomadSlotRacing.com.
Making a return visit to the Del Mar GOODGUYS show was the KOOL BUS. Kids (and grownups, too) could take wild rides on what was basically a monster truck with lots of seats, decorated in schoolbus yellow paint.

For more information on the rest of the GOODGUYS shows and how you can get involved in this great hobby, visit their Website at www.good-guys.com.
Drive safely and do join me again next time.