The performers are what make the Knott’s Berry Farm experience exceptional — with VIDEO
Knott’s Founder’s Day celebration delivered an immersive, thoroughly interactive, authentic and downright fun themed experience.

Like other theme parks, Knott’s too has themed lands, rides and other attractions….

… but what elevates Knott’s to head-and-shoulders above its competition — and what really brings the park to life — are its large number of talented, role-playing, costumed performers who engage in fun activities with the park’s guests.

As proclaimed in a headline in an early edition of the Calico Gazette daily newspaper, “Founder’s Day is bustling with fun activities.” The townsfolk of Calico fanned out among the park guests, invited us all — young and old alike — to participate in the Founder’s Day activities and Calico’s daily routines. The Miner’s Bank of Calico set me up with my very own bank account (number 963), recording that fact for posterity it in the bank’s official ledger.

However, trouble was brewing. Suddenly, the sound of explosions and gunfire rang out. The bank was being robbed! Dark smoke filled the air, and townsfolk were tied up.

Thankfully, swift justice prevailed and the robbers were soon arrested. A speedy trial was organized in front of the Calico Town Hall, with testimony given in front of a growing crowd of concerned citizens.

It was a particularly hot day, so the local fire brigade rolled out a pumper to spray cooling water on us. Some of us wanted even more, and they were doused with fire buckets full of water.

Later we congregated at the town square for an old-fashioned, rip-roaring hoedown to the rousing sounds of a live band. We were taught some basic line-dancing steps and had a great time. YEE-HAW!

It was so much fun that I shot video of it. Watch it here:
Knott’s brings the wild west alive by populating the Ghost Town of Calico with enthusiastic, role-playing performers who include park guests interactively in the drama.

In sharp contrast, that Anaheim theme park has gone in a very different direction. Originally we were told, and concept art showed us, that they too were going to have role-playing cast members interact with the park guests, in engaging scenarios within the amazing, space adventure-themed new land, but somewhere along the way the plans for doing that eroded, leaving park guests to just wander around on their own, buy merch, eat food, ride the rides, pose for photos with costumed characters, and wonder about what might have been. Surely they CAN do better than that. They SHOULD do better than that. Hopefully, someday, they WILL do better than that.
Calico contains many authentic, vintage relics of the wild west. There is a full-scale, working, old-timey train that a man and woman board to try to rob the passengers (I told her that my horse ate my money)…

… a horse-drawn stagecoach provides rides around the park…

There are actual historical buildings and a lots of museum-quality memorabilia — much of which is on display in the Calico museum.

Some popular entertainers who once performed at that Anaheim theme park, now entertain at Knott’s to the delight of their many fans. On the day that I was there, performers included “Krazy Kirk and the Hillbillies”…

… and the Tomasina Band.

The regular season’s pass for Knott’s Berry Farm is an unbelievable bargain, and Knott’s does not have ANY blackout dates. My pass was on sale in August for only $99 (regularly $105, or $99 for renewals)! That pass, with NO blackout dates, is valid for the rest of 2024 and all of 2025. So are my unlimited parking add-on ($90). plus my All Season Dining add-on ($145, good for up to two entrées per visit. Choose from a wide variety of tempting options at locations throughout Knott’s.

Also check out Camp Snoopy…

… Fiesta Village…

… Boardwalk…

… and California Marketplace.

We’re fortunate to have several great theme parks in Southern California. I’ve been an annual passholder at that theme park in Anaheim for many years, but between their high prices, huge crowds, mandatory park reservations, extra-cost ticketed events, blackout dates for all passes and more, this year might be my last. To explore a wide variety of content dating back to 2002, with the most photos and the latest text, visit “AutoMatters & More” at https://automatters.net. Search by title or topic in the Search Bar in the middle of the Home Page, or click on the blue ‘years’ boxes and browse.

Jan, the stock of that other company is under great pressure right now. Budgets are tight.
It seems to me that now would not be the time to cut back on what makes their product attractive to customers. Rather, they should look for ways that improve the desirability of their product.
Jan, you really did go all out! Knott’s BerryFarm does look like the place to be. The costumed performers and the visitors look like they are really happy and having a good time.
Loved all the photos and video. One of your best. David.
Thanks David,
I wish that other theme park would hire some additional cast members to interact with their parks’ guests.
It looks like so much fun Jan. Good descriptions and photos. The performers and action sounds great. I went there once on a visit to California with my family a long time ago.
Thank you. The last time that I went there was many years ago too.