Powerful hydroplanes race in TWO VIDEOS!
Only once each year does the City of San Diego exercise a special permit to hold a noisy boat race, in the course of which unmuffled racing boat engines may be used by the contestants. So it is that the screaming H1 Unlimited hydroplanes, Grand Prix World Supercharged Hydroplanes and others are allowed to race in the beautiful, usually peaceful and tranquil, Mission Bay – nestled in between East Vacation Island and Fiesta Island in Mission Bay Park.

For those spectators with RVs, this was one of the few opportunities to stay overnight in the park.

No matter when you may have arrived on this three-day weekend in September, you surely would have noticed the tall cranes that picked up each hydroplane from its pits, lifted them high into the air and then, ever so carefully, rotated them around to the neat row of docks in the waters on the shore of Mission Bay. After each heat, before the boats were returned to their pits, they paused in mid-air over the bay’s edge to be liberally hosed down with fresh water, to remove the corrosive salt water.

We learn from the history of San Diego Bayfair (see SanDiegoBayfair.org) that this major motorsports event dates all the way back to 1964. It was the vision of legendary Unlimited hydroplane racer Bill Muncey, namesake of the gold, perpetual Muncey Cup.

Except for the salt water (as opposed to fresh water), this venue is ideal for hydroplane racing. The shorelines of these two man-made islands were purposefully curved to accommodate a 2.5-mile oval course, and the beaches were sloped to dissipate waves from the motorboats and hydroplanes.

The parking lot and launch ramp on East Vacation Island was designed as a pit area for hydroplanes and their cranes. Even the light posts were set in a line to facilitate easy access for the hydroplanes, trucks and equipment. Factor in the location – the host city of San Diego, which is a renowned, worldwide vacation destination – and it is no wonder that this event returns year after year.

H1 Unlimited hydroplanes, racing under the sanction of the American Power Boat Association, are the fastest racing boats in the world (www.h1unlimited.com).

The gas turbine engine typically found in Unlimited hydroplanes is from the twin rotor Chinook helicopter that was used in the Vietnam War and remains in use to this day, for firefighting and other purposes.

The Lycoming T55 L7 gas turbine powering the U-21 driven by Brian Perkins produces up to 3,000 hp, propelling his 7,000-pound hydroplane to a top speed of over 200 mph on the straights! This produces a 60-foot tall, 300-foot long roostertail of water.

The San Diego Bayfair racecourse is the longest and fastest on the H1 Unlimited hydroplane circuit. The World Lap Speed Record of 173.384 mph was set here in 1999 by driver Dave Villwock.

San Diego Bayfair was the final event of the season for the H1 Unlimited hydroplanes. It drew fans from around the world to see the competition for the Muncey Cup – won last year by Andrew Tate and again in 2018, driving the U-9 Jones Racing Delta/Realtrac Unlimited hydroplane. He is the 2018 National High Points Champion, followed by Jimmie Shane, driver of the U-1 Miss HomeStreet Bank hydroplane (see u9racing.com).

HomeStreet Bank was the title sponsor of San Diego Bayfair 2018. Unfortunately, Jimmy Shane’s U-1 Miss HomeStreet Bank (the former Miss Madison) was unable to start its final race on Sunday due to the minor, but costly, mechanical failure of a spark plug igniter box.

Also racing were the piston-powered Grand Prix World Supercharged Hydroplanes – the largest, fastest and loudest of the automotive-powered race boats. These reach top speeds of 150 mph. Many of their drivers are from the ranks of the Unlimiteds. John R. Grigg Jr. drove the yellow and red GP 52 Wanna Bee Racing hydroplane.

In addition to three days of racing, spectators enjoyed the large vendor area on East Vacation Island, Kids’ Zone, beer garden and great BBQ.

Speaking of BBQ, America’s Finest BBQ State Championship (sanctioned by the Kansas City BBQ Society) partnered with San Diego Bayfair in Crown Point Park. It featured more than 40 teams firing up barbeques for BBQ chicken, pork and beef.
As always, I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below.

Hey Jan. Great to hear from you. I see from the dates on the photos that this was the September 2018 event. Will you be going this year?
Over the years I’ve seen many videos of these incredible Hydroplanes. The noise, speed and spray are amazing. I’ve seen them flip and the pilots walk (swim?) away unscathed. I’m sure there have been fatalities also. A very exciting but dangerous sport.
Maybe I’ll see them in person someday.
Hi David. I sent San Diego Bayfair an email today, asking for a media credential. The event will be Sept. 13-15, 2024.
The website (https://sandiegobayfair.org) describes it this way:
“San Diego Bayfair on Mission Bay is Southern California’s largest annual beach festival and powerboat competition. Taking place September 13-15, 2024, Bayfair features H1 Hydroplanes, live music, corn and lo-rider regionals.”
Hello Jan –
I enjoyed viewing your great 2018 Mission Bay Hydro pictures, and am planning on attending the race this year to take some pictures for my collection. I was wondering if you could point out some good vantage points for shooting the races as I am not at all familiar with the course layout. Is East Vacation Island general admission area a good spot? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Steve! Thank you for visiting my AutoMatters & More website. I’m glad that you enjoyed my Bayfair Boat Races column.
The other day I saw that the races are returning to San Diego next month, so I was thinking about covering it again. It has been a few years since I last did that.
I am pretty sure tha the last time I covered the races, I did so from the other side of the bay (the side where the boats dock and are removed from the water). I like that vantage point because I could walk along the waterfront and get lots of different angles. I had a press credential, so I was not paying particular attention to gates, but I think that that was a paid admission area. Nevertheless, I would still recommend it. The other side of the bay is good too. That’s the nice think about boat racing. Since they are on the water, there is not much to obstruct your line of sight.
I just uploaded my two missing videos to the San Diego Bayfair column. It was one of the ones that was copied from my “Tribe” on the DriveTribe website a few years ago. When that was done, all of the video links to my columns on that site were broken. I have to fix them one by one, as I see them. The process involves uploading the videos to my AutoMatters & More YouTube channel.
I also just applied for a media credential to cover this year’s event.
I’ve been away covering multi-day events for the past few weeks, so I have not been posting new columns here for quite a while. Now that things are quietening down a bit, I will try to catch up by editing some more photos for the columns that I’ve been submitting to publications, and then upload them to AutoMatters.etc. Unfortunately my daily driver was involved in a hit & run accident on the I-5 freeway a week ago, and I did not have rental car insurance, so I only have my 2019 Miata to drive for at least the next month. Some suitcases have almost as much storage capacity as the trunk of my Miata!