Racing at Cajon Speedway (R.I.P.)

This particular column began out of my sense of frustration over the rumors – hopefully unsubstantiated, that Cajon Speedway’s continued existence is threatened. At issue may be a government-administered lease on the property. I’ve seen similar situations before. I grew up in Canada. In the early 70s I lived in Calgary, Alberta and enjoyed going…

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ECO-Center at San Diego’s Regional Transportation Center

If you had suggested to me when I first started to drive in the late 60s that I would eventually become a (reluctant) champion for alternative fuels and economical vehicles, I can only imagine what my response to you would have been. I would probably have said that you were nuts. After all, my first…

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Lincoln Mercury for 2005 and Beyond

Friends, this is an incredibly good time to be in the market for a new automobile. Over the past months I’ve been bringing you news about new automobiles that are either already on sale or coming soon. From high performance sports sedans to the first hybrid SUV and just about everything in between, the choices…

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2005 Ford Escape Hybrid

Ford recently selected San Diego for a preview of their upcoming 2005 Escape Hybrid and, in so doing, proved that hybrids don’t have to be tiny, impractical or have strange styling. The vehicle is expected to go on sale late this summer and will be the first hybrid SUV ever sold here by a major…

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