CORR Nissan Off-Road Nationals – In Progress

You’ll never guess what I signed a waiver to do a few days ago. I must be certifiably nuts. It began with a brief presentation at a recent meeting of the Motor Press Guild. Someone there told us about an upcoming motorsports event, adding that there would be a Press Day in advance of that…

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Driving Around Beautiful British Columbia

Okay, now that I have the attention of my Southern California readers, I must confess that I’m not about to discuss Baja, California. I’m actually going to take you on a whirlwind driving tour of beautiful British Columbia, Canada. For those of you who have never visited this BC, it is a place that many…

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A Drive to Nowhere – at Over $3/Gallon

At first glance, you might say this column is socially and economically irresponsible. On its face it certainly seems to suggest a total waste of money and finite natural resources, in the form of gas. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. Those of you who are car nuts probably have an…

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