2006 Ford Fusion and Ford Explorer

I was one of several journalists from all over California who converged on the Cliffs Resort in Shell Beach – halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. We were invited there by Ford to learn about their new 2006 Fusion and Explorer. The presentations were thorough, and left me with a good sense of both…

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San Diego Miata Club’s “Sweet & Savory” Run

While I don’t have the time to do it nearly as often as I’d like, recently I participated in a car club drive around San Diego’s beautiful East County. The occasion was our San Diego Miata Club’s “Sweet & Savory” run. I’ll explain the significance of the run’s name as we go along. I’ll also…

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Tips for Surviving Mother Nature’s Wrath

Since occasional bad weather is an unfortunate reality of driving, I thought this might be a good time to remind everyone of the perils of driving in some of the worst of what Mother Nature can throw at us. More importantly, I’d like to share with you some insights as to what you can do…

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A Changing of the Guard in NASCAR

I thought about the drivers as I watched the Sony HD 500 NASCAR NEXTEL CUP race at California Speedway. Many years ago, when I first became a fan of NASCAR racing, its stars included Richard Petty, Bobby Allison, Cale Yarborough and the rest of the elder statesmen of the sport. Dale Earnhardt wasn’t quite famous…

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GM AutoShow In Motion, Round Two

For the second time this year, GM brought its toys to Qualcomm Stadium for everyone (of licensed driving age) to play with at the GM AutoShow In Motion. This time it was even better than the first. For those of you who have not yet had the pleasure to experience one of these events, let…

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