2007 Ford Expedition

In 1804, Lewis & Clark embarked on their 8,000 mile expedition of exploration. Their 2½ year adventure took them, mostly by water, west from the Missouri River to the Columbia, and all the way to the Pacific Ocean. A little over two centuries later and by land, I was about to visit places along their…

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Art Center Car Classic 2006

Some of the world’s most talented and successful auto designers received training at Pasadena’s Art Center College of Design. Therefore it is fitting that a car show is held there each year. I have been fortunate to have attended several consecutive shows. Once again the weather was beautiful, although it was very, very hot. The…

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Who Killed the Electric Car?

A very thought-provoking film is making the rounds in theaters. Its title is “Who Killed the Electric Car? (www.sonyclassics.com/whokilledtheelectriccar). While it mentions other electric vehicles too, like the Think – “An enterprise of Ford Motor Company,” it primarily chronicles the short life of the General Motors EV1. This is not just a story about another…

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Bobileff Motorcar Company

Since you are reading this column, it is probably safe to assume that for you cars are at least somewhat more than just mere transportation appliances – or that you were bored out of your mind and this just happened to be the next thing that caught your attention. If the latter is true, I…

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